

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yay for the A!!

I got a straight up 100 on my Cultural Anthropology paper!! The only one in my class too! Ah, to do well in school...It feels good.
I've smoked way too many cigarettes today.

In other news, on Saturday I went to an Obama fundraiser in Tuscaloosa. It was rather subdued as it was mostly comprised of uber-nerds. And I do mean uber. I met a very nice girl named emmie who is a German Studies major, who is currently focused on translating/studying reformation aged works by German authors. She was fucking cool. It's suprising what a hotbed of intellectualism the UA is. While it is largely comprised of drunken fools/coke heads majoring in pre-wed, you'll find some AMAZINGLY smart people. But like...a lot of them. Way more than can be found at UAB. 
My school is like a beakon for either poor people, dumb people, and as of last spring, an INFLUX of trendy hipster boys. The kind that have wavy, almost girl length hair, wear fedoras and skinny jeans, and hip little sneakers with "ironic" tee shirts. 
As of spring semester 07, I hate UAB even more than usual. I am doing better, and I like most of my professors, but the new people fucked it up.
Anywho, back to the fundraiser. The guy who hosted it had the BEST house. It was not too big, and not too small, and fantastically put together. He had interesting books, and every season of Good Eats, not to mention all the extended editions of the Lord of the Rings movies! There were lots of neat conversations, and polite discourse, which frankly, even though I am still a teenager I find utterly refreshing. It fills me with hope for my future. One filled with talks about great works of literature I have yet to read, and the merits of one French New Wave filmaker as opposed to the other. I long to be grown up already. To skip the next few years of my life, and to be about to complete my thesis for my master's degree in Anthropology is where I want to be.

Whatever. One must accept what one has with grace. Hopefully I'll find some.

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