

Sunday, December 9, 2007

is it crazy to want sleep at three A.M?

According to my rude and very irritating roommate Iva, it is "Crazy" to want sleep at three A.M.
I've had to call the R.A.'s up to my room twice already to make Iva and her crazy rude out of town guests shut up. It has not worked at all. In fact, now they are slamming silverware drawers and dropping things in the metal sink to make noise, and saying that I am "straight trippin', man" and "crazy."
Literally, she makes me I wish I were already of a racist temperament, so that I do not acquire racial prejudices.
Further, she invited the two OTHER loudest bitches from Selma up for the weekend BEFORE EXAMS WEEK, without asking any of the other FIVE roommates if it was okay. She is a bitch of the highest order, and thinks one can win arguments by being the loudest. She is literally the most selfish person I have ever met, and extremely inconsiderate.
Now they are talking about me and using many racial epithets for white people...
I hate my life

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Banana Hammock.